
Question Mark Butterfly...


Why the question mark? As a radical doubt skeptic, I am forced to accede that due to the fundamental limitations of human knowledge, we can never parse reality with enough sufficiency to fully distinguish the “real” from the “imaginary.” Can we ever really know if something is fiction?*

Wait, did I say “radical doubt skeptic?” I meant “pretentious bastard.” It’s funny how easy it is to mix those two things up.

Here’s some fiction! When did there get to be so many of these?

Novels and Novellas:

the withering man
My novel about a high school girl and the dark things out there.

Time and Nevertime
My serial novels about time and gods and desires. Ongoing!

Sidereal Days
A 7 part story about a woman, the starlight in her blood, and an unusual manuscript.

Micro Fiction:

Five Very Short Stories
Exactly what it sounds like. Featured on Freshly Pressed!

Six Tiny Little Tales
Another group of very short stories.

Seven Stories in Seven Minutes
Another batch of tiny stories.

A Few Words About Milk
Cows might not want to read this.

An Old Blue Jacket
No matter how much you love something, eventually you have to let it go.

Trouble falling asleep?

Neverending Songs in a Neverending Night
A very short piece about the most beloved lady not in the world.

Short stories:

Seven Icicles, Part One and Part Two
The icicles dripped, and became our blood. The blood spoke, and we listened.

An Artist in the Snow
Art is like beauty. When you see it, you know.

Counting to Nothing
It’s possible for a little girl to be too good at math.

Your allergies might be far, far worse than you think.

Robot Wars
An audio play about how the Robot Wars started, in case you somehow don’t remember.

The Purity of Sacrifice
A story about the consequences of accepting our fate.

Rock Talk
Ever wonder what rocks would say to each other? A true story.

The Wine of the Nectar of the Distillation of All Things
Once you taste it, you understand.

One Shadow at a Time
Future stealth flash fiction.

It’s Always Important
My first Trifecta piece. A short, peculiar conversation over an un uncertain lunch.

Coffee By the Fire
There’s a little trickster in everyone. Or in our coffee, anyway.

Tedium at the Edge

Boredom is the worst horror of all, when you’ve seen everything else.


I know you have something to say, so say it!